Children’s Anxiety

Anxiety can flood children with unwanted thoughts, unpleasant feelings, that can be difficult to manage. They could avoid situations that are difficult or uncomfortable which leaves them feeling lonely, left out and less confident in the long term. Your anxious child may cling to you for reassurance, or they may often act irritable, withdrawn, or overwhelmed in unfamiliar settings.

Does your child:

  1. Seek reassurance often?

  2. Overthink and act irritable?

  3. Have frequent emotional outbursts?

  4. Regularly avoid certain situations, people or a specific item?

  5. Experience perfectionism or excessive self criticism?

  6. Have trouble sleeping or is often tired?

  7. Repeat actions methodically and excessively?

  8. Have changes in appetite?

  9. Have difficulty interacting with peers?

Anxiety can come in many forms including avoidance of discomfort or situations, body aches, physical health concerns and panic attacks. Your child does not have to miss out on life, friends or school.

Thrive Child Psychology can help your child overcome worrying thoughts and learn skills to face fears.